
France News Today

French news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Abbé Pierre Faces New Sexual Abuse Allegations

Published: 2024-09-06

A new report by the Egaé firm has unveiled 17 additional allegations of sexual violence against Abbé Pierre, spanning from the 1950s to the 2000s.

These accusations include forced kisses, sexual propositions, and acts that could be classified as rape, involving minors and vulnerable individuals.

In response, the Abbé Pierre Foundation has decided to change its name, and Emmaüs will permanently close the memorial site dedicated to him in Esteville.

The report, commissioned in July, highlights testimonies from former Emmaüs volunteers and employees, revealing a pattern of abuse over five decades.

The organizations involved have expressed their full support for the victims and are taking steps to address the systemic failures that allowed these abuses to occur.