
France News Today

French news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Communities Rename Sites Amid Scandal

Published: 2024-09-13

In the wake of sexual violence allegations against Henri Grouès, known as Abbé Pierre, numerous French communities are renaming places previously honoring him.

Esteville, home to a memorial for the founder of Emmaüs, has decided to close the site and rename it, reflecting a broader trend across France.

Over 150 locations named after Abbé Pierre are under review, with many already undergoing renaming processes.

This swift action follows revelations of misconduct, prompting cities like Paris and Nantes to remove his name from public spaces.

The Catholic Church in France has also responded by opening its archives to aid investigations, signaling a shift towards transparency.

These developments highlight a growing societal demand for accountability and the reevaluation of historical figures in light of new evidence.