
France News Today

French news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Court Overturns Burkini Ban in Corsica

Published: 2024-08-20

In a significant legal decision, the administrative court in Bastia, Corsica, has suspended a local ban on religious swimwear, specifically targeting burkinis, on the beaches of Lecci.

The ban, imposed by the mayor of Lecci on August 7, aimed to prohibit beach access to individuals wearing attire deemed contrary to public decency and secularism.

However, the court ruled that the ban constituted a severe and unlawful infringement on fundamental freedoms, including freedom of movement, conscience, and personal liberty.

The decision followed a challenge by the Human Rights League, which argued that the ban lacked justification as there was no proven threat to public order.

The court emphasized that the mayor's concerns over terrorism and international tensions did not warrant such restrictions, especially without evidence of hygiene or safety risks posed by burkinis.

This ruling echoes past controversies in France over similar bans, which have been overturned by higher courts, reinforcing the legal stance that such prohibitions are unjustified.