
France News Today

French news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

France Faces Political Paralysis

Published: 2024-08-21

Edwige Diaz, Vice President of the National Rally, has called for a new dissolution of the French National Assembly, claiming it is the only political solution to the current state of paralysis following the legislative elections.

With no party holding an absolute majority, Diaz argues that any appointed Prime Minister would face a deadlock, rendering the country unable to move forward.

She suggests that during this period of stagnation, referendums, particularly on immigration, should be held to give the people a voice.

Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella, leaders of the National Rally, are expected to emphasize their party's significant presence in the Assembly during upcoming meetings at the Élysée.

They plan to remind President Emmanuel Macron of their ability to propose and support motions of censure, highlighting the potential influence of their parliamentary group.