
France News Today

French news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

France Services Bridges Territorial Divide

Published: 2024-09-04

The "France Services" initiative, launched in 2019 in response to the "gilets jaunes" movement, is being praised for its role in reducing territorial disparities in France.

According to a recent report by the Cour des comptes, the program has successfully provided access to public services within 30 minutes for nearly all citizens, fulfilling a promise made by President Emmanuel Macron.

With 2,840 locations across the country, these centers offer a wide range of administrative services, acting as a "Swiss army knife" for public needs.

The initiative has been particularly effective in rural areas, where 63% of the centers are located, and has been credited with enhancing social cohesion and reducing the feeling of abandonment among citizens.

The program's success is reflected in the satisfaction of over 90% of its users, who appreciate the personalized assistance and humanized service experience.