
France News Today

French news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

France's Elderly Care Crisis Demands Urgent Action

Published: 2024-09-11

The urgency to address the needs of the elderly in France has reached a critical point, as highlighted by recent calls from political and healthcare leaders.

Michel Barnier, the newly appointed Prime Minister, is urged to prioritize the long-delayed 'grand âge' law, initially promised by President Emmanuel Macron in 2018. This law aims to address the growing demographic challenge, with projections indicating that by 2040, 15% of the population will be over 75. The healthcare system's decline has left elderly care facilities struggling, with staff shortages and financial constraints leading to dire conditions for residents.

The situation is exacerbated by rising costs and insufficient resources, prompting calls for immediate government action.

Advocates stress that addressing the needs of the elderly is not just a moral imperative but also an economic necessity, as investing in this sector can create jobs and support the domestic economy.

The new government faces a historic responsibility to ensure that the elderly are treated with dignity and respect, reflecting the nation's values of solidarity and justice.