
France News Today

French news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Paris Olympics: Housing Controversy Unfolds

Published: 2024-08-12

In the wake of the Paris 2024 Olympics, President Emmanuel Macron has praised the event for showcasing "the true face of France," highlighting the permanent housing provided to over 200 long-term homeless individuals near Olympic sites.

However, this claim has sparked controversy among advocacy groups, who argue that the government has engaged in a "social cleansing" effort, expelling over 12,500 people in preparation for the Games.

Critics, including the collective "Le revers de la médaille," emphasize that the number of new permanent housing solutions falls drastically short of the needs, with over 3,500 people still sleeping on the streets of Paris each night.

The government maintains that the relocations were necessary for safety reasons and assures that those housed will not be returned to the streets post-Games.

Despite these assurances, the debate continues over the social impact of the Olympics and the broader issue of homelessness in France.