
France News Today

French news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Rising Poverty in France Alarms Experts

Published: 2024-09-12

A recent report by the Secours populaire, conducted with Ipsos, reveals a concerning rise in poverty across France, with 62% of French citizens experiencing or nearing poverty, a 4% increase from last year.

Despite a slowdown in inflation, financial instability is worsening, particularly in rural areas where 69% of residents face poverty.

The subjective poverty threshold has risen to 1,396 euros per month, just below the net minimum wage.

Financial struggles are evident as 16% of French people live in overdraft, and nearly half cannot save money.

Many face difficulties in affording energy bills, rent, and basic necessities, with 43% reducing heating and 32% skipping meals.

Despite these challenges, 66% of French citizens express a willingness to help those in need, highlighting a strong sense of solidarity.