
France News Today

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Friday, September 20, 2024

France's Political Standoff: RN's Influence Grows

Published: 2024-09-05

In France, the political landscape is witnessing a significant shift as the Rassemblement National (RN) asserts its influence in the appointment of a new Prime Minister.

Marine Le Pen, leader of the RN, has made it clear that her party will not support any candidate with ties to the left or those who have previously criticized the RN.

This stance has led to the rejection of several potential candidates, including Xavier Bertrand and Thierry Beaudet, as the RN demands a more neutral or right-leaning figure.

The RN's growing power in the fragmented French Assembly has positioned it as a key player in the political process, with its 142 deputies holding substantial sway.

Le Pen's conditions for supporting a new government include respect for RN representatives, electoral reform, and a firm stance on immigration and security issues.

As President Emmanuel Macron continues consultations, the RN's role as a 'kingmaker' in French politics becomes increasingly evident, challenging the traditional political order and raising questions about the future direction of the country's governance.